Vaclav Havel: Vernissage

RS9 Színházterem Rumbach Sebestyén u. 9., Budapest

A Theatre On The Roof angol nyelvű előadása. THEATRE ON THE ROOF (TETŐ SZÍNHÁZ) Budapest, Hungary presents: VERNISSAGE by Vaclav Havel WHO ARE YOU WHEN NO ONE'S WATCHING? MHM? Director: Oliver Micevski Cast: Čarna Kršul, Daniel Hall, Roderick Hill Stage designer: Vadász Orsolya Costume designer: Oliver Micevski Sound designer: Marco Bonetti Photographer: Mate Bach Language: […]

Tennessee Williams: Glass Menagerie

RS9 Színházterem Rumbach Sebestyén u. 9., Budapest

GLASS MENAGERIE by Tennessee Williams "Glass menagerie" by Tennessee Williams is black comedy about manic depressive mother who ruins the life of her autistic children. The mother's road to hell is filled with her love and good intentions.... In the last 70 years there were thousands stagings of "Glass menagerie" in theatres all over the […]



Jegyfoglalás: / 06-1-269-66-10

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