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Seminar [SZ]
2016-06-24 @ 19:30 - 21:00
2500FtTWO Performances!
In original English with Hungarian supertitles
Eredeti angol nyelven, magyar felirattal
In Seminar, a provocative comedy from Pulitzer Prize nominee Theresa Rebeck, four aspiring young novelists sign up for private writing classes with Leonard, an international literary figure. Under his recklessly brilliant and unorthodox instruction, some thrive and others flounder, alliances are made and broken, sex is used as a weapon and hearts are unmoored. The wordplay is not the only thing that turns vicious as innocence collides with experience in this biting Broadway comedy.
SEMINAR opened on Broadway on November 20, 2011 and was presented by Jeffrey Finn, Jill Furman, John N. Hart Jr. and Patrick Milling Smith, Roy Furman, David Ian, David Mirvish, Amy Nauiokas, and James Spry, with associate producers Matthew Schneider, Wake Up Marconi, Jamie Kaye-Phillips, and Charles Stone/Ben Limberg.
Leonard: Tamás Lengyel
Douglas: Keven Ogunleye
Kate: Eszter Vujosevics
Izzy: Karen Gagnon
Martin: Peter Schueller
Directed by Peter Schueller
“Seminar” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.
June 24th and 25th at 7:30pm
Ticket price 2500 HUF
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jegy@rs9.hu / 06-1-269-66-10