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2021-11-23 @ 19:00 - 20:00
Bot Ádám és Lakos Fanni mozgásszínházi előadása
Bemutató előadás
English friendly performance
And I stayed at home.
And I tried to read books, and I tried to listen to music,
and I tried to rest, and I tried to do yoga.
And I tried to put things in order, and I tried to play,
and I tried to find new ways of being, but at last I stopped.
And I listened deeper.
And I felt boredom and pain, and I could not make art anymore,
Then I meditated and prayed.
And I began to think differently.
And I met my shadows, and I defeated them,
and I started to heal.
But my Father did not, and he passed away.
And when the danger moved on, and people found each other again,
I was alone, and I was in grief.
I fought against the sorrow with my power of imagination,
and I created a world with full of joy and playfulness,
where every single human being is careless, funny and free.
Alkotók: Bot Ádám, Lakos Fanni
Az előadás hossza: 2 x 30 perc
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jegy@rs9.hu / 06-1-269-66-10